Source code for infoblox.session

"""The Infoblox Session object is responsible for coordinating communication
with the Infoblox NIOS device.

import json
import logging
import requests
import urllib

    import urlparse
except ImportError:
    import urllib.parse as urlparse

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

USERNAME = 'admin'
PASSWORD = 'infoblox'

[docs]class Session(object): """Central object for managing HTTP requests to the Infoblox appliance.""" BASE_PATH = '/wapi/v1.2' HEADERS = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} def __init__(self, host, username=None, password=None, https=True): """Create a new instance of the Infoblox Session object :param str host: The Infoblox host to communicate with :param str username: The user to authenticate with :param str password: The password to authenticate with """ self.auth = (username or USERNAME, password or PASSWORD) = host self.scheme = 'https' if https else 'http' self.session = requests.session() def _request_url(self, path, query=None): return urlparse.urlunparse((self.scheme,, '/'.join([self.BASE_PATH, path]), None, urllib.urlencode(query) if query else None, None)) def delete(self, path): """Call the Infoblox device to delete the ref :param str ref: The reference id :rtype: requests.Response """ return self.session.delete(self._request_url(path), auth=self.auth, verify=False) def get(self, path, data=None, return_fields=None): """Call the Infoblox device to get the obj for the data passed in :param str obj_reference: The object reference data :param dict data: The data for the get request :rtype: requests.Response """ return self.session.get(self._request_url(path, return_fields), data=json.dumps(data), auth=self.auth, verify=False) def post(self, path, data): """Call the Infoblox device to post the obj for the data passed in :param str obj: The object type :param dict data: The data for the post :rtype: requests.Response """ LOGGER.debug('Posting data: %r', data) return, data=json.dumps(data or {}), headers=self.HEADERS, auth=self.auth, verify=False) def put(self, path, data): """Call the Infoblox device to post the obj for the data passed in :param str obj: The object type :param dict data: The data for the post :rtype: requests.Response """ LOGGER.debug('Putting data: %r', data) return self.session.put(self._request_url(path), data=json.dumps(data or {}), headers=self.HEADERS, auth=self.auth, verify=False)